With spare minutes I have here and there throughout the day I unconsciously reach for my phone and scroll. If it’s not Instagram, it’s Facebook with the notorious “hustle sermon”. If you’re not working on a side hustle, what exactly are you doing? If you’re not staying up during the wee hours of the night working on your dream job, you’re not going hard enough! Every task must be checked off of your to-do list!
Whelp for me, I’ve learned to settle with some non-checked boxes on my to-do list…and that’s okay!
Millennials and the Pursuit of Perfection
According to Fortune.com, “a new study by American Psychological Association (APA) researchers suggests that society has been increasingly pursuing perfectionism over the last three decades, driven by the millennial generation (the largest generation in the United States, generally thought of as people born between mid-1980s to the early 2000s, though there’s some debate on the exact start and end points)”. As a Millennial myself, it’s hard not to say that a lot of us crave the multi-faceted modern day success. We’re not settling like our parents once did, we want to earn a great living, we demand more than what we qualify for, and most importantly everyone needs to know about the process!
It’s constantly publicized, therefore producing a desire in us all to pursue perfectionism. Perfectionism is defined as intense personal and external drives to thrive under certain societal metrics, potentially by placing far too much pressure and excessive expectations on one’s self. “In its broadest sense, perfectionism can be understood to develop through the messages that young people internalize from their immediate social environments, the resulting view of themselves, especially how they construe self-worth and how it is established, and their sense of self in relation to others.” This constant pursuit will ultimately cause destruction- anxiety, depression, self-doubt and burnout (to name a few).
Your Worth is not Measured By Your Productivity
When reading this blog post I want you to know that your worth is not measured by your productivity. You are so much more than your to-do list! Personally, as Gods Daughter, I know he did not create me to pursue every desire I have. This post is not to promote laziness (I promise), but to ask what are you letting define your worth? How does it align with your God given purpose? Overworking or overexerting yourself can lead to health issues, and what could be more important than your own health? Whenever I get sick I check to see if it is something that I can solve with alternative medicine, to try to avoid going to the doctor. Conventional medicine just has so many side effects, sometimes for ailments that would go away on their own eventually. If you would like to research this topic further, here you can check out alternative medicine.
I remember back in August 2017 I made one of the hardest (yet peaceful) career changes. As you all know, I studied Fashion and worked in corporate for various companies for about four years. I was not happy and would sometimes end the night crying to my boyfriend. God brought me out of that situation by given me the desire to teach. I am now an Elementary Sped Teacher and I love what I do, HOWEVER it does not allow me the chance to also blog as frequently. I am not able to attend events, keep up with my blog as often as I would like and I did have a mini tantrum about this (I did lol!). I prayed and this year God has given me the words TOTAL SURRENDER. Everything may not completed, but being a teacher is my current mission field. My blog is my hobby and also purposeful, but if things don’t get don’t that’s okay. As I surrendered this to the Lord, God has been given me the grace to work on my hobbies and blog more often.
Everything is on my To-Do List is not checked off, and?
So everything is not checked off of my daily to-do list, so what? Does this mean I’m less than, lazy, or not worthy? Absolutely, not! Surrender each task to the Lord to see what you personally need to prioritize. Trust that being in alignment with His spirit is ultimately more important than keeping up with he pressure of this world when you are worth so much more.
Keep fighting…daily :).
Love y’all!,
SoulStyleBeauty <3
Love this Emari. SO on time. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks girly! <3