And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
-Matthew 18:3

Hey y’all! If you follow me on Instagram, you would know that I’ve been talking a lot about my journey to seize self-sabotaging. The root of it all is fear and I think it can hold me back from so much! If I am truly made in the image of God, why do I hold on to this human emotion and let it deter me from my God-given dreams? I mean, I am human and it is a human emotion, however I always like to not only ask myself what I am feeling, but why am I feeling this way. One day, I heard this verse while listening to a sermon from 4ward City Church. The verse was Matthew 18:3- And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” It opened a whole conversation between my husband and I. It was then that I discovered we can learn hella a lot from children!

1) Children are dependent
Children are so dependent. They need you to do a lot and day by day they never fail to NOT depend on their parents, teacher, guardians, e.t.c. It made me question my own dependency when it came to God. Am I just depending on God when things get hard or is He a necessity in my life? I think that is what separates those who are completely reliant vs. those who still have a tight hold on their life. If you are dependent on something you can’t help but to spend time doing it on a daily basis. You thirst for it. You have faith that every encounter will fufil it’s duty. As believers, we need to learn to depend on God daily. This can look like setting up quality time to be in The Word and pray daily. My husband and I recently said every night we would pray together out loud. Dependency means you have to put in the effort to seek God daily. The result of this is clarity and wisdom. “Consistent clarity come from consistent connection”.

2) Children don’t forget!
In case you are new to my platform, I am a full time Special Education Teacher. If i tell my children we are having a class party in two weeks, they hold me to it! Their memory is impeccable when it comes to promises! As believers we can learn a lesson or two about holding onto God’s promises. Whatever God spoke to you in the word or in private, it will come to pass. In those moments when we struggle to believe in our own capabilities, we need to cling to his promises. He promises to give strength. He promises to give wisdom. He promises to always be with us! In those moments of doubt let’s cling to those promises. I plan to write scripture note cards to myself to add this to my self-care routine. I can read them aloud to myself to speak over myself. We need to constantly be reminded of His faithfulness.
3) Children have BIG FAITH!
If you know children, it doesn’t take much for them to believe. If you tell them that Santa Claus is going to bring presents on Christmas Day, they surely do leave out cookies and milk for someone they haven’t seen. Faith is the very existence of being a Christian. If we lack effort in our relationship with God that is a reflection of how much we believe. Lacking faith? In the Word it says “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17).
I hope this post blessed you!
Until next time y’all <3
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