Hey girl hey!
I know, I know. You’re probably like, “where the heck has this girl been?“. Well I haven’t been MIA on every platform, but definitely my blog.
Life has been crazy! If you’ve been following me for a while, you know I switched my career from working a basic 9-5 job in the fashion industry to teaching simply because God told me to. That came with a bunch of sacrifices and new obstacles. Balancing work, grad school, a youtube channel, social life…ya girl is TIREDT! Shortly after the new year I decided to make a few changes that included shooting with a photographer to make things a bit easier to manage my passions outside of my career. Although that helps me with the influencer aspect of my life, at the same time I also have to make sure to meet deadlines for both school and work. In order to accomplish this, I had to (forcefully) make room for growth in order to set myself up for success… even if that meant temporarily pushing my passions to the side.
I know that this year is going to be a year of growth and meeting my goals, but I also need to know that it’s all about pacing.

The “influencer/blogger life” isn’t as glamorous as it looks and if you don’t take that time to just rest, you can burnout. My connection to my ultimate source Jesus is so important to me. If I feel a disconnect, everything is off. If I don’t take time to just rest, it impacts my motivation. I’m a very ambitious person and an over-achiever, so I like to get things done but I’m learning everyday to decrease my expectations.
So here we are, April! I’m about a month and a half away from being finished with grad school and so close to summer break. After resting and taking a step back, I am so ready to create content for my blog. It’s not about producing as if you’re a human machine because I’m not. Im giving myself grace and space to take necessary time to make myself a more productive person to accomplish my goals.

So, what’s the lesson here? Well, to all my creatives: take the time you need. I know the world tells us opposite, however you must take care of yourself physically, spiritually and mentally to show up as the best you. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
Keep fighting daily.
Love y’all!


Boots (similar) – Black Knitted Pointed Toe Sock Books, Skirt- I Want It That Way Leopard Maxi Skirt, Bag (Similar)- Straw Crossbody Bag
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