I truly feel that we’ve been going through hell and back within our nation for almost a year now! Although we’ve been operating in this “new normal”, we also need to acknowledge that this is not normal at all.
A lot of us are forced to smile as we show up for work, leaving us even more empty than we felt coming into the job. Some of us have to increase in discipline daily to work from home. Frontline workers are putting their life on the line to put others first. We are tired and in this moment, it’s so important to prioritize self-care.
As an individual, I have learned the importance of pausing. Responsibilities will always be there tomorrow and prioritizing my mental health is crucial for me to be the best me. Adulting and navigating this global pandemic is a hustle: One that is exhausting and stressful. We need self-care to go even further in our journey of life.
Here are 3 ways I prioritize self-care.

Be In Tune with Your Needs
Honestly, if i see one more meme of what self-care is and isn’t I will scream! Self-care is unique to every individual and can change in every season of life. Currently, as a married woman with no kids compared to someone with kids, self care will look completely different. You have to consider your lifestyle and your specific needs as a person, but everyone should and could prioritize self care.
Personally, as a teacher, my mornings are super early and fast paced. I get up around 5:15 am, an ungodly hour hehe. This is something I had to adjust to. In order to tend to my mind and spirit in the morning, I love to listen to worship or a podcast as I get ready for work. My mindset and filling myself with the word of God is important to me. All day I am serving my students and I have to prioritize myself to show up for them as the best individual I can be. This is just one way of how I cater to self care, but identify what you need as an individual and weigh out the time you do have.
Be Intentional About Your Self-Care Time
Whether you have 10 or 20 minutes for self care, make sure that time is intentional, uninterrupted time! Heavy on the uninterrupted. It’s good to have boundaries because without them, we tend to overextend ourself. Whenever I am having me-time I turn my phone on do not disturb and inform hubby so he knows I am doing me for the moment. Self-Care is how we refuel and we can’t do that if it’s not intentional. For me, being on Instagram in bed is not self-care. There’s still an energy exchange that can quickly turn into causing you even more stress. Be intentional about your time and know what will actually fuel you.
Schedule in Your Self Care Time
I will never forget being in Trader Joes with a friend and her telling me that she schedules her calls in her calendar. I was so baffled because she was so intentional about time. At the moment, I didn’t feel the intensity of this “adult hustle”. Now that I do, I see how important it is to schedule things.
If things aren’t scheduled you honestly may never get to do them. At the beginning of the week, I love to pick which days will be gym days after work. I absolutely love going to the gym during the week. It’s something about releasing those endorphins! When I leave I not only feel better mentally, but also physically. Schedule your self-care time into your schedule. This can be done weekly, daily, or monthly. Whatever floats your boat!
Until next time y’all <3
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