Hey girl hey! So we legit have only one day left until the new year. Crazy, right?
2019 was an emotional rollercoaster, but looking back on it I am so proud of myself. This year taught me perseverance, resilience and also to chill. I was able to complete grad school and now I have my M.A.T in Teaching with a dual certification in Special Education. I also got engaged to the love of my life Jose who I’ll be marrying this upcoming July. Lastly, I got to live out my God Given dream for GodsGirlsBrunch.
I accomplished a lot, and I am proud of me. Now going into this new year with new chapters (including marriage and I’m sure many more changes) I have to think ahead. Here’s some things I plan on doing to live my best life in the new year!
Consistent Healthy Habits
If you follow me on IG, you know that I’ve been serious about eating better and going to the gym. After listening to many health talks and just self monitoring my mood when eating I believe there’s a big correlation between food and your mental. I feel so much better and more energetic when I eat better. This new year I would love to continue experimenting with healthy foods and new ways to cook them! I recently purchased a new read to gain some more insight on healthy eating called “Eat Beautiful: Food and Recipes to Nourish Your Skin from the Inside Out” by Wendy Rowe. I am so excited to get this cookbook y’all!

Trust My Work
One of my anchor verses when I am a worry-wart is Hebrew 13:21″God will equip you with every good thing to do His will. And may He accomplish in us what is pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever.” I am fully convinced that God equips me to do his will but sometimes I hesitate in giving my all because I think it’s not good enough…BUT THEN SOMETIMES I’m like this is bomb! It’s back and forth, but it’s time to take the muzzle FULLY off in 2020 and fully be the women of God destined me to be.
Make room for family & friends
Being a teacher is time consuming y’all! Talk about emotionally and physically draining. This past year I had a lot of selfish days where I just wanted to rest. Nothing’s wrong with rest but you have to balance it out. Chilling with my close friends and family refills my cup! I always have a good time. So with that being said, I need to balance my rest days and social days. I love being myself and I reset that way, but it’s all about balance.
Shop this look!
London Nights – Snake Boots – Miss Lola Khaki Thigh Split Shirt Mini Dress – Jayden- Femme Luxe
Here’s some other dope Femme Luxe pieces!
Bodycon Dresses
Mini Dress
Lace Bodysuits
What’s your #2020Vision? How will you be managing your time to live your best life? Let me know in the comments below!
Keep fighting daily.
Love y’all!
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